This website is intended for Irish Healthcare Professionals only. Not an Irish Healthcare Professional? Click HERE.

Sondelbay - Strength for independence
Sondelbay - Strength for independence

This website is intended for Irish Healthcare Professionals only. Not an Irish Healthcare Professional? Click HERE.
SONDELBAY® (teriparatide) Summary of Product Characteristics (SmPC), legal category, cost and adverse event reporting at the bottom of the page.

Sondelbay® Awarded as a
Best Value Medicine (BVM)

The Medicines Management Programme recommends Sondelbay® as a BVM for teriparatide.

Prescribing Sondelbay® to your patients will lead to significant savings for the health service.¹

Sondelbay - Strength for independence

Prescribe SONDELBAY® by Brand Name

SONDELBAY® is indicated in adults for treatment of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women and in men at increased risk of fracture.²

Sondelbay® Awarded as a
Best Value Medicine (BVM)

The Medicines Management
Programme recommends Sondelbay®
as a BVM for teriparatide.

Prescribing Sondelbay® to your
patients will lead to significant savings
for the health service.¹

Sondelbay - Strength for independence

Prescribe SONDELBAY® by Brand Name

SONDELBAY® is indicated in adults for treatment
of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women
and in men at increased risk of fracture.²

Sondelbay® Awarded as a
Best Value Medicine (BVM)

The Medicines Management
Programme recommends
Sondelbay® as a BVM
for teriparatide.

Prescribing Sondelbay®
to your patients will lead
to significant savings for
the health service.¹​

Sondelbay - Strength for independence

Prescribe SONDELBAY®
by Brand Name

SONDELBAY® is indicated in adults for
treatment of osteoporosis in
postmenopausal women and in men
at increased risk of fracture.²

Best Value Medicines Accessed July 2023
2. SONDELBAY® Summary of Product Characteristics